I had my last Philosophy of Religion class today, went to Starbucks and bought myself a venti iced coffee with a delicious spinach and feta wrap. Then I meandered over to a clothing store and dropped a whopping $25 on some new threads (I don't know if this remark is meant to be sarcastic or not). Now I'm off to work until 11:30 and then hanging with my mother at her new pad until 2:30am. Then I'll come home, hug my cat, maybe watch a little Chelsea Handler, clean the apartment for our lovely house guests who are arriving tomorrow, go to sleep, wake up, go to work until 5pm, get an overpriced cab to the mall where I will wait for someone to pick me up and I'll begin my night which has a huge possibility of being fun considering the aforementioned house guests.
I'm exhausted already.
When I told my boyfriend over the phone that I was walking around downtown he replied, "Good for you", in strange, uppity voice that leads me to believe he doesn't think of me as the type who goes outside on nice days. He's correct in this assumption and it was actually painful for me to be around so many people wearing their summer outfits, looking cheerful, and casually laughing to one another while I sulked in my mysterious misery and wondered what a "paper gangster" is as referenced in a song playing in a store.
As we speak I'm downloading a bunch of Jason Mraz songs from days past - primarily off "Live at Java Joe's" and his first studio album "Waiting for My Rocket to Come". I haven't listened to these songs in years and I can't believe they weren't already on my iTunes - that I've had since 2007! I haven't listened to these songs in almost four years! I still remember every word and they make me feel so at home that it's almost eerie. In fact, it is extremely eerie. Jason Mraz equates to summer for me. It actually makes me really sad that the last time I saw him in concert it was mostly high school girls in the audience waiting for him to play "I'm Yours" and the concert overall was just 'eh'. He played for under an hour and never even touched his older, better songs. I'm not one of those people that always thinks a musician's earlier work is better than the new stuff but in Mraz's case it just happens to be true for the most part. I'm not the biggest fan of "I'm Yours" although I really do love "We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things." as an album.
Okay, well that's all I want to say I think.
Oh yes, one last thing. I don't know why I'm getting so misty eyed over my fleeting youth today. Other than Jason Mraz, I also downloaded some Broadway songs and wrote down every Broadway show that has student rush tickets in the city. I used to be flat out, down right OBSESSED with Broadway in a way that I've never been obsessed with anything before (and that's saying a lot for me). I lost sight of that obsession somewhere a long the way but still pine for it sometimes. There's still nothing like the lights going down in a theatre to give you goosebumps. It's one of the greatest feelings in the world.
Okay, now you can go. That's all I wanted to say.
Thanks for listening.
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