Monday, May 3, 2010

An Addition to That Last One

I think I can safely say I'm a professor connoisseur. Professors are my favorite thing about college. In reference to my last post, I will say that I did indeed tell my gorgeous ex-professor that he was my favorite. I'm not sure what percentage of that was the truth and what part merely talked about my favorite professor to look at. Not that he was a bad teacher, I don't feel the need to demean him but more to express my gratitude to the BEST professor I've had. Names aren't necessary because I don't intend this post for anyone except myself. There is such a difference between a person that is doing something for a paycheck and someone that has passion and real motivation for their job. Even the best looking professor looks dead behind the eyes if they're unsatisfied (which I sneakingly believe he is) but when they have genuine consideration for their students, it is a whole different animal.

On the last day of my news writing class today, the teacher bought us pizza and gave us hugs but it wasn't in the physical aspects that I saw the most caring. It was in the sincerity of his words and how they organically brought me to tears. The emotion in his words, in his pauses, and in his voice were overwhelming to someone emotionally unstable like me. It was jarring to see a person in such a high position show his feelings in such a honest manner. It is the kind of attention and REAL FEELING that is missing from nearly everything in this artificial world. It's the kind of thing missing from even my relationship (sorry, you know it's true sometimes).

It is the reality of putting what you love in the foreground and not being afraid to speak your mind. This professor made a connection with every student in that classroom - people of all kinds - that all felt his sincerity and were moved by it. I'm completely in awe of him.

I wrote a short story one time about that other professor (the gorgeous one) where I make a character at the end say, 'You are what I want to find someday.'

Well if that's true, this other professor (the sincere one) is what I want to be someday.

That is a huge difference.


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